
5G konferencen på Christiansborg den 4. maj 2019, København:
5G – Next Generation of Mobile Technology. Is 5G Safe for Human, Plant, and Animal Life?

International scientists present their eye opening findings on the effects of microwave radiation on human and animal life.

  1. Introduktion. This is the introduction to the conference held at Christiansborg Castle in the Landstingssalen on saturday the 4th of May 2019. The politicians Jan Erik Messmann, DF – Julius Graakjær Grantzau, Alternativet and Rachel Santini are welcoming the audience and the speakers at the conference.
  2. Einar Flydal( www.einarflydal.com), Sverige:
  3. Mikko Ahonen (www.mikkoahonen.com), Finland:
  4. Olle Johansson (www.cellphonetaskforce.org/the-work-of-olle-johansson), Sverige:https://youtu.be/P-qPTYSicq8
  5. Journalist David Wedege (skriver bl.a. ved  https://pov.international/author/davidwedege/ og ved  https://kronikken.dk/skribenter/davidwedege/samt Facebooksiden Tabt Tråd), Danmark:https://youtu.be/ICKTugr24nA
  6. Annie Sasco (www.researchgate.net/profile/Annie_Sasco).International scientists present their eye opening findings on the effects of microwave radiation on human and animal life. MD, scientist and former leader of the WHO Cancer Control Program, Annie Sasco (FR) is telling about the scoence showing significant more children getting cancer in families living close to cell phone masts than in families living on further distance. An ever increasing number of children are diagnosed with brain tumors and attention deficit disorders like ADHD and other neurological development disorders and diseases than before the development of the mobile phone. https://youtu.be/uoNp4VH78w8
  7. Seniorforsker fra DTU; Ph.d., vet. Vibeke Frøkjær Jensen (DK) talks about present science findings, showing a 90% mortality and transmutations in tadpoles, birds and bees getting disoriented from cellphone mast radiation. Since 1989 there has been seen a 75% drop in pollinating insects which is an actual threat towards our very existance since the pollination is needed for crops and fruits to develop.
  8. Panel debat after the presentations from the International scientist, researchers and journalists.
  9. Advokat (L) Christian F. Jensen. RESPONSUM om hvorvidt det vil være i strid med menneske- og miljøretlige regler at etablere 5G-systemet i Danmark. For the first time in history we are able to present a legal document on the health hazards of microwaves: A Danish solicitor presents his Legal Opinion on the effects of microwaves on nature and human health based on numerous peer reviewed scientific studies. Dokumentet kan findes her: http://kortlink.dk/mayday-info/xwqf

5G Københavner Resolution for beskyttelse af mennesker, dyr og planter mod elektromagnetisk stråling. Konference deltagerne på Christiansborg

Alternativets Livestream konference sendt fra Christiansborg: “5 timer om 5G”, den 15. juni 2019.

Alternativets livestream konference “5 timer om 5G”, samler op på det arbejde, der kom ud af de åbne politiske laboratorier man havde afholdt om 5G i månederne forinden.
10.05 Velkommen og introduktion til det politiske arbejde med 5G
intro med Rolf Bjerre, Julius Gorm Graakjær Grantzau og Hekla Hekla
10.30 5G rundt i verden ved David Wedeges
10.45 Elektrosensitive (EHS) – generelt og aktuelt ved psykolog Eva Theilgaard Jacobsen
11.15 Mediernes dækning af 5G
ved journalist David Wedeges og Preben Kastrup
12.00 Tlf. interwiev med Michael Lind der er EHS ramt
12.15 Interview ved Lucas Alexander fra Age of Truth TV
med Julius Gorm Graakjær Grantzau
12.30 5G og sundhed – videnskab og evidens

12.45 Tlf. interwiev om 5G og de internationale konventioner med Rachel Santini, Dansk Institut for Folkesundhed, kultursociolog, mag. art med speciale i medicinsk sociologi fra Københavns Universitet
13.15 Hvad er 5G (ikke) og hvorfor skal vi have 5G (eller ikke) ved Mark Desholm, Dansk Ornitologisk Forening
13.30 Vision og politiske forslag fra Alternativets laboratorier
14.00 Debat/samtale med politikere
15.05 – Slut
Del 1 – de første fire timer:
Del 2 – den sidste time:

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